Thursday 11 August 2011

August 9

Hey Family!
Last week was really great! Katie Edmunds was baptized on saturday which was super exciting to watch. August 6th was her original date, but her baptism was "last minute" because sister cluff and I were stupid and forgot that investigators don't have to know everything before they are baptized as long as they have a desire to follow christ for the rest of there life. And Katie really had that desire, so after being beradded (I can't spell that word) by the spirit, we saw Katie and told her we wanted to change her date back. She was really excited about it! I know now that she has the gift of the Holy Ghost she will learn so much more, and he will help her to make good decisions. Its hard because her husband is not a member, and he is a marine, so his lifestyle is a lot different than hers! BUT he has started ti ask us questions, and he has sat in on a few lessons, and he said he felt really good at the baptism, so that was AWESOME! I'm really excited to start teaching him! (His name is James).
Have I talked about my "platinum" investigator Christine?! She is the one who had read the book of mormon and prayed about it before we even met with her! We have taught her all she needs to know, she should have been baptized basically the day we met her, BUT she has to wait till she is 18 b/c of the situation with her parents, But she turns 18 at the end of this month, and we are actually using her to fellowship OTHER investigators! We are taking her tonight to the mormon battalion to teach a girl named Anna who is a german exchange student!
So this week the weather has been nice, its cold in the morning, then HOT in the afternoon, then cool in the evening, which is perfect! Well, I could do without the HOT, but I really can't complain!
So want to hear a funny story?! This week we went and ate lunch on these picnic tables at a park, and there was all these crows flying around, and you may not know this, but I HATE crows...always have! So they are flying around, and in the middle of my sandwich, I feel something fall on my head, and all over my back...a bird pooped on me! It was disgusting! haha! I think I got a picture of it, but I was laughing and grossed out all at the same time!
Okay, so I have had lots of you ask about my schedule, I don't think its too interesting, but here we go!
6:30, wake up, pray
6:40-7:10-Work out, our members have a gym, and there is a park we go run at, there is a girl there we talk to every morning, but she doesn't speak english, so its always interesting! haha
7:10-7:58 Shower, get ready and eat breakfast!
8:00-9:00 personal study, (base it on our investigators)
9:00-10:00, companionship practice (practice what we are going to teach that day)
10:00-10:30 Sister cluff has language study, I study random things!
10:30 + Teach people the gospel! We have 1 hour for lunch, and 1 hour for dinner
9:00 Be in home, start planning for next day
9:30 update area book, get ready for bed (I try to write in my journal, I'm not always sucessful)
10:30- be in bed!
Thats my day...EVERYDAY! Well thats a lie, tuesdays and sundays are a bit different! haha!
Okay, so I have to tell you about Sarah Bistui (the wife of nate who was baptized a few weeks ago) SHe LOVES to serve, and she invites us for dinner lots, and she cooks WAY to much, one time we went over and she had steak, and burgers and salad, and on sunday we went over and she had milkshakes AND BBQ Chicken AND ribs AND corn AND pie...yep, meals with them I ROLL out of! haha!
I am really liking my district, the elders are all a little awkward, but its fun, so far I haven't met, or heard of any sister haters, which is really good! I'm happy about that one! And this morning we had a big sisters meeting at the mission home with sister clayton, it was super fun, we had brunch and then a meeting, we have 32 sisters in our mission, thats A LOT! But more than half are in the Mobat.
This week was so good! I loved it, and I'm excited for this coming up week too! We have one of our 9 yr olds named scout getting baptized on saturday, so that will be REALLY exciting for her and her family!
Well Family, I love you all SO much! Thank you for your prayers and support! I am praying for you all, and I hope you are all doing good!
Love you!
-Sister Lee-

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